Why Is My Baby Fussy at Night?

If your baby is a sweetheart during the day but gets fussy at night, you may be experiencing what’s known as “the witching hour.” It could start just around dinnertime and appear to have no apparent cause. It can feel as if nothing is helping your infant relax. Pacifiers don’t appear to help with the fussiness, and feedings don’t seem to help either.

It’s vital to keep in mind that practically all babies go through this time of being fussy at night. It usually begins once they are a few weeks born and lasts until they are around three months old. In this article, we will discuss resolving sleep troubles in infants so continue reading this article.

Tips for Dealing with Baby Witching Hour

Allow the infant to sleep

Allow your baby to get as much rest as possible throughout the day because an overtired infant has a harder time going asleep at night.

Take your baby in a dark, quiet room

When a baby is agitated, minimizing stimuli makes it easier for him to settle down. A white noise machine or app may also be beneficial.

Rebuild the womb

Swaddle the infant and rock or swing him. This will feel comfortable and familiar to him.


Snuggle is a word that has a lot of different meanings. Skin-to-skin contact allows your infant to smell you, which is similar to aromatherapy for babies.

Why Newborns Are Fussy at Night and Won’t Sleep

Some possible causes for your newborn’s severe fussiness and inability to stop screaming or sleep include:

  • Your infant is hungry.
  • Your baby may be restless because he’s too hot or cold.
  • Because he has a dirty or wet diaper.
  • Your baby may be having stomach problems.
  • Your baby may be overstimulated.
  • Your baby may be fussy because he’s overtired.
  • Your child may be ill. Check your baby’s temperature and call your doctor right away if he has a fever.

When Is It Something to Worry About?

There’s nothing to be concerned about if your kid has a fussy time in the evening hours. When your baby is fussy, it could be for a variety of reasons, and you should always take these worries seriously. If your child has a fever or isn’t wetting their diapers, we advise seeing a physician. If your infant is screaming for more than 3 hours in 24 hours, you should contact your pediatrician.

If your child has a fever, is vomiting, or is having problems breathing, we advise seeing a pediatrician. It’s appropriate to have a chat with a baby’s pediatrician if any baby is truly inconsolable.

Wrapping up!

Remember that your baby’s witching hour is usually only a developmental stage that will pass in a few weeks. However, if you see that it’s hurting your mental health, speak with your doctor or get help from a therapist or counselor. Don’t hesitate to contact your baby’s pediatrician if your kid is developing any serious physical signs or if your instincts tell you something is wrong.

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